2021 ADRP International Conference Blog

ADRP 2021 Blog

Welcome to the official Conference blog. Below, you'll find insights, favorite memories, conference news, and more!

Have something you would like to share in the blog about a past experience at an ADRP conference? We would love to hear from you! Send us your idea for a blog post to [email protected]

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A Conversation with Keynote Speaker, Desiree Adaway, The Adaway Group


2021 International Stewardship Awards

As donor relations professionals, we are in the career of connection. We understand the importance of building deep relationships with our supporters and how this extends the mission of our organization. And for many of us, this has been our year to shine! COVID may have halted “traditional” stewardship, but that hasn’t stopped us from getting creative and finding ways to continue strengthening the bonds between our donors and organizations.

Even more so, we understand the importance of sharing and honoring these new ideas with each other to expand our world of donor relations. So, we are proud to present the 2021 International Stewardship Awards. The ISA provides an opportunity to share your accomplishments in four fields of donor relations: Digital Communications, Events, Impact Reporting, and Innovation.


Welcome to the 18th Annual International Conference

This Year's Theme is Big World, Big Ideas

Welcome to the 18th Annual ADRP International Conference. This year’s theme is Big World, Big Ideas. What a year it has been for our members and our organizations! We have learned a lot from our many challenges and have so many big (and small!) ideas to share with each other.

The conference will be virtual again this year and will showcase a new level of experience over three full days.  We will be utilizing a platform beyond Zoom! Virtual delivery allows us to reach a wider audience, offering greater inclusivity and embodying the ADRP mission. 

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Big Ideas Needed!

Present at ADRP 2021

One of the best ways to rebound from a challenging year is to share ideas with a community of people who get it: your fellow donor relations and stewardship professionals.

What are you proud of? What have you learned that would help others? What topic is timely and on people’s minds?

The Content Committee is looking for a wide range of speakers who can answer those questions and deliver content that is relevant to each industry and every experience level.


Why Present at the ADRP Conference?

Last night, I had an awful nightmare.

I was at the ADRP conference, and for some reason, I learned I wasn’t slated to be a presenter. This realization devastated me. What happened? Did I miss the deadline, neglect to submit something? THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING TO ME!  After a moment of sheer panic, I woke up. A small tear may have been coming out of my eye – probably just dry air from the heater.

Yes, this really happened. This was my nightmare. That’s how much I love presenting at ADRP.

Why do I like to present? Because it’s a blast. It’s energizing. You grow, you learn, you laugh, you cry. You get every bit as much as you give.

Here are a couple of examples. For one of ADRP’s earliest conferences, a content committee member emailed me: “We have a topic that we’d like to cover at the upcoming conference and we think you’d be the PERFECT person to do it. Can we talk next week?” I was giddy. Someone thought I was an expert on something!

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