2021 International Stewardship Awards

As donor relations professionals, we are in the career of connection. We understand the importance of building deep relationships with our supporters and how this extends the mission of our organization. And for many of us, this has been our year to shine! COVID may have halted “traditional” stewardship, but that hasn’t stopped us from getting creative and finding ways to continue strengthening the bonds between our donors and organizations.

Even more so, we understand the importance of sharing and honoring these new ideas with each other to expand our world of donor relations. So, we are proud to present the 2021 International Stewardship Awards. The ISA provides an opportunity to share your accomplishments in four fields of donor relations: Digital Communications, Events, Impact Reporting, and Innovation.

Digital Communications has become a big part of donor relations, and has only become more important over the past year. Have you found a new way to connect on social media? Did your organization’s president send a special thank you through a podcast? Did you create a one-of-a-kind thank you video to share with donors? Whatever it is, we want to hear how you have maximized the use of our digital world to share your gratitude with donors.

Events may not be what they have in the past, but we know event planners are the masters of adaptability! Did you host a virtual donor reception? Were you able to have a small gathering of top donors? Did you have a virtual coffee meeting with your donor to thank them for their continued support and share with them the goals for the next year? We know your innovative events are what keep donors connected so why not highlight your big ideas!

Impact Reporting speaks directly to why donors give and honoring what your organization means to them. Through impact reporting, you share not only the goals, but the accomplishments realized because of people who believe in your mission. Now is your chance to share how you demonstrated impact and continued to inspire change with your donors.

Necessity is the mother of invention. We can all agree this statement has never felt truer than the past year. All of us have had to reimagine what connection and donor relations looks like. So, what does innovation in stewardship mean? The answer is: ANYTHING! Innovation is where your big ideas have made a difference in the big world of donor relations, and we want to honor your creative spirit.

Now is your chance to tell your story! Submissions are open until Monday, July 19, 20201 at 12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET. Winners will be showcased at the ISA awards in September, on the ADRP website, in the HUB with past winner profiles, and at various ADRP events.

Send in your online submission on the ADRP website today!